The overall well-being of a person depends not only on physical health but on mental health too, to a significant extent. It determines our take and reactions while handling any specific issue, our life choices and our decision-making process.
Life becomes considerably difficult for a mentally ailing person, as he/she becomes incapable of all these vital activities. Mental ailment is stigmatised, in society, even in the 21st century and people are neither willing to accept it openly nor admit it.
Previously, mental ailments were not significantly covered by any health insurance plan. But the worldwide outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, resulting in lockdown, significantly increased the cases of mental stress and depression. It compelled people to view life from a different perspective. This new normal lifestyle showcased a number of things, which were previously neglected. The “new normal” conditions revised the elements and conditions of health insurance plans, too.
Are psychological disorders covered by health insurance?
After several discussions, controversies and debates, the insurance companies are now beginning to consider mental ailments within the purview of health insurance cover. They have now agreed to cover the treatment costs along with any sort of physical or psychological shortcomings incurred during the course.
As per the current legal mandate of the country, psychological disorders need to be covered by health insurance. Considering the Mental Health Act, of 2017, the IRDA has advocated the inclusion of mental ailments in a health insurance plan, as they must be witnessed and treated as equivalent to any other physical ailment. As a result of the implementation of this revised regulation, any standard health insurance must now cover the expenses of diagnosing any psychological ailment, professional consultation, and costs of treatment.
Benefits of including psychological disorders in the health plan
Inclusion of mental ailment treatment in health insurance offers several benefits:
1). Law requirements:
One of the most significant benefits in this context is that the Indian law requires health insurance coverage for psychiatric patients. As per the improvised mandate, the insurance companies are no longer allowed to keep mental illness out of their purview of coverage. They have to offer proper health insurance cover, for diagnosing any psychological ailment, consultation costs, prescription expenses, medicine costs, along with other relevant related expenses incurred during the process.
As a valid policyholder, you are fully protected by the terms of law to receive adequate compensation from the concerned insurance company, if you suddenly develop any psychological condition.
2). Existing plans get affected:
This is another one of the most highlighting features that you can use in juxtaposition with your current health plan. Any revision, expansion or combining any health coverage to an existing plan is not an easy task. It is slightly time-taking and requires lots of paperwork.
However, the inclusion of mental illness coverage is perfectly hassle-free and does not require any additional labour. It smoothly gets included in your existing health insurance plan structure.
3). Covers a wide range of mental ailments:
Since we are not quite open to the issues, most of us remain unaware of the types of mental illnesses that exist. Some of them are bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease, which are only some of them, that, the insurance companies offer proper coverage with financial aid.
Normal brain functionality and consciousness get affected if one develops these conditions, resulting in difficulty performing routine daily activities. The inclusion of this facility is highly beneficial for those who need constant medical supervision, coverage, financial assistance for rehabilitation, regular testing and adequate treatment.
You now got a clear idea regarding the revised norms of health insurance cover. So, now you do not need to stress over getting financial coverage while treating a psychological ailment. Many well-known insurance providers in the country guarantee psychiatric illness coverage, and you are free to select the most suitable one. To cut the long story short, possessing a health plan with mental illness coverage will significantly reduce both your mental and financial burden in the long run.
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